A record year for cargo at Liege Airport
Belgium's Liege Airport set an all-time record of 717,000 tonnes of goods handled in 2017, a growth of 8.5% compared with cargo volumes in 2016.
An airport spokesperson said: "Cargo business worldwide saw overall growth, driven by strong economic performances in Europe, but also by the emergence of new e-commerce opportunities.
"All the Liege-based operators have made progress. In addition, two new airlines – Air China Cargo and AirBridgeCargo – joined Liege Airport."
Luc Partoune, chief executive of Liege Airport, said: “This was a record year because we had never achieved such a tonnage since Liege Airport came into being in 1990. This confirms the relevance of our strategy of support for full cargo companies.”
News/ Picture Source:http://www.aircargonews.net/news/airport/single-view/news/a-record-year-for-cargo-at-liege-airport.html